Domestic law
According to Civil Procedure Code of Georgia [Article 134] „An electronic document provided for by the Law of Georgia on Electronic Document and Electronic Trust Services has the force of evidence.“
Law of Georgia on Electronic Document and Electronic Trust Services:
“[1.2] This law does not restrict the right of individuals and legal entities under private law to use a material document and/or personal signature of their choice, as well as an electronic document and / or electronic signature executed in accordance with the terms different from this law.”
„[3.6] It is inadmissible to refuse an electronic document during administrative proceedings and court proceedings only on the grounds that it is submitted electronically.“
„[3.7]. It is inadmissible to refuse to grant evidence for electronic signature and / or electronic stamp during administrative proceedings and court proceedings only on the grounds that it does not meet the requirements for qualified electronic signature and / or qualified electronic stamp established by this Law.“
International law
Georgian domestic legislation replicates the EU directive approach to electronic signatures, namely Directive No. 910/2014 , According to which: “[Article 25] An electronic signature shall not be denied legal effect and admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings solely on the grounds that it is in an electronic form or that it does not meet the requirements for qualified electronic signatures.
Audit trail
For each signed document Signify generates an Audit Trail, that contains the following information:
- Signer's email address and/or mobile number
- Signer's full name
- IP address of the device used
- Date and time of signing
- The hash code of the signed document
- Identifier of the technical device [personal computer, smart phone, etc.] and the version of the browser using which the signature is made
User can require each signer to authenticate with additional authentication methods like:
- SMS OTP - Confirm signature with SMS one time password
- Video identification - Identification by scanning gov-issued ID document and dynamic selfie match (Remote ID & Liveness)
- Qualified eSignature - Sign the document with the qualified eSignature/eSeal certificate issued by the trust service provider
Based on the mentioned information, the identity of the signer and the fact of signing are fully identifiable.
Any document uploaded to Signify is automatically converted to PDF format and is always stored in encrypted format.
The document signed and the Audit trail are both digitally signed that ensures the document integrity and prevents any changes to the documents after they've been signed.
All signatures are LTV enabled.
Comparison with material signature
In practice, in most cases, the material signature is not used in compliance with the 'complete rules' (when the signature is made in the presence of all parties, on all pages, the signer is visually identified, etc.). In most cases, parties deliver documents to each other by courier / mail. An even more common practice is to exchange scanned copies of documents by email. If we analyze the described cases, it will be hard to prove:
- Who signed the document
- The Integrity of signed document (that signer viewed and signed this particular document and it has not been changed since)
- Exact time of a signature
On the other hand, an electronic signature through Signify provides much more evidences that are described in the evidence report (see above).
Signify attaches special importance to the protection of its users' personal data or other sensitive information [commercial terms, content of the documents, etc.]. Detailed information can be found in our Privacy Policy.
We use Amazon Cloud Servers (AWS Cloud) based in Stockholm to store data. According to the Georgian State Inspectorate's Office Sweden is among identifies countries where personal data is allowed to be stored.